The Standard of Care for the ChiroThin® Doctor.

Built by ChiroThin® doctors for ChiroThin® doctors. ChiroThinTracker is the only authorized patient tracking software, fully endorsed by Chiro Nutraceutical™, the makers of ChiroThin®. It was thoughtfully crafted to provide the clinic with time saving and efficient automations in a mobile friendly user interphase.

Patients love the ChiroThinTracker! There have been hundreds of thousands of pounds lost and tracked, and tens of millions of messages sent and saved on our HIPAA compliant servers between our clinics and their patients.

ChiroThinTracker  has 3 main components: The Clinic Portal and Doctor’s Dashboard, the Patient Portal for patients to directly input their program data,  and the training resources which make learning ChiroThin® and the ChirothinTracker a snap! The platform’s main features are highlighted in the video on the top-left. A more detailed exploration of each side of the platform can be viewed in the videos at the bottom of this page, as well as several of our subscriber’s video reviews of their experience using the ChiroThinTracker.

The clinic dashboard provides the supervising clinician a quick view of the most relevant patient data on one screen.

With the ChiroThinTracker you or your staff member can process your ChiroThin® patients in just seconds – from anywhere in the world.

The feature rich dashboard was developed for ease of use and presents the most pertinent information you need to track your patients without having to navigate away from the dashboard.

The HIPAA compliant messaging portal allows all patient queries and your answers to be documented instantly in the software. Patient daily logs are all saved and presented in a visually appealing manner while providing the necessary documentation that is required by the Standard of Care for the Chiropractic profession.

The HIPAA compliant video conferencing module allows you to securely connect with your patients face to face – right on the ChiroThinTracker Platform.

The platform does the heavy lifting for you. The training and resources tabs are loaded with all the information your patients need to successfully complete their round of the ChiroThin® doctor supervised weight loss program. Want more? Upload your own customized resources and training videos to personalize your tracker.

Since ChiroThin® is a doctor supervised weight loss program, the ChiroThinTracker allows you to take it to the next level – Daily doctor supervision. This sets a new standard in the industry and allows you to charge more for your programs, while at the same time, providing better care, in less time.

Use the mass messaging feature and integrated online store to send promotions with a “call to purchase” directly to your patients. First create the product offering in your store.

Copy the link, add it to your mass message and send the mass message to your patient base. Wake up in the morning to orders in your inbox and money in your account!

Add buttons to your patient’s portal to link them to your ChiroBurst Affiliate account, for example. Daily messaging goes directly to your enrolled patients providing guidance, encouragement and knowledge and it is all done for you – automatically.

The ChiroThinTracker allows you to send a link to your patients to complete the integrated ChiroThin® intake and consent form. Once enrolled, you can create clinic notes and upload documents to their clinical record making your entire ChiroThin® practice paperless.

Secure account to track everything in one place

HIPAA compliant video conferencing platform to connect doctor and patient face to face.

Increase credibility and Grow your Practice

Dan lost 33 lbs and 29 inches in 42 days!

Watch a Video of the Clinic Portal

Take a tour of the doctor’s side of the platform. You will see how easy it is to see your all your patients’ daily logs and how quickly you can review them all in one place.

(7:45 minutes)

Watch a Video of the Patient Portal

Take a tour of the patient side of the platform. Watch how easy it is for them to log all their progress on a daily basis and how using the app will keep them motivated and engaged.

(3:35 minutes)

Our Clients Speak videos

Watch what our top doctors have to say about using the ChiroThinTracker in their clinics.

Interview with
Dr. Jason Strotheide and 5 separate Client interviews
Watch Videos

The Official ChiroThin® Patient Management and Tracking Software.

@MiAddvantage 2022

